Tuesday, April 6, 2010

MAJOR Facelift...

So it's been a while since I did anything business-wise with my "creations." In the past, my website was devoted to selling carseat canopies, but I now make other items including Tutus, receiving blankets w/matching burp cloths, flower hair clips, and hair bows.

I sell a lot locally (through word of mouth, etc.), but I'm thinking it's time to get back into the swing of things with the online sales. BUT before I can get things moving, my blog needs a MAJOR FACELIFT!!

Now comes the plea for help: If any of you are good at this kind of thing (logo & blog/web design), please let me know! I need to add widgets so people can click on what they like, then pay through PayPal, etc, but I don't know how to do that. I'm going to end up doing some advertising down the side of my blog, and if you design for me I'll advertise for you for FREE for the rest of forever!

I will be having some professional pictures taken soon of all my products, then I'll have them up here. In the mean time, please bear with me!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Welcome to my new blog! I'm so excited about my new little business venture selling SHERI'S CUTIE PIE CARSEAT CANOPIES!!

Carseat Canopies are a big deal in Utah right now, but if you aren't familiar with them here's a rundown of what they are and why everyone with a baby needs one!.

Sheri's Cutie Pie Carseat Canopies are perfect for :

  • covering your baby's carseat without the need for a blanket (that could fall on their face)
  • keeping things dark during naptime on-the-go
  • keeping the carseat handle available for you to hold/carry
  • helping to protect your baby from outside elements
  • providing vibrant prints that are stimulating for baby

These retail for $40 to $60 online and in the malls. I'm selling mine for only $30!! If you're out of state, I'll ship for free.

Carseat canopies make a great baby shower gift for friends and family, and even make a great gift from mommy to her own new baby! I can do custom orders if you don't see any fabrics that you like - just email me at
sheribaumann@gmail.com and give me an idea of what you're looking for.

In addition to buttons on handles, I also do bows on handles topped with a button (I just don't have any pictures up yet).

Keep checking back for more pictures and the announcement of my website launch!!